Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The Year 2011

The year 2011 has been filled with many things ... excitement, joy, road bumps and possibly a few hiccups

It's been a year where new friendships have formed and we've realised that we are not alone.  We have wonderful people around us that believe in us, encourage us and push us to take a step in a new direction or follow the dream that's been hiding in your heart for ever so long.

It's been a year of wonderful achievements and the taking of confident steps towards your dreams and goals.  Trust and self-belief has played a major role in your achievements ... some of us needed a slight push to make the jump and oh! how fantastic was it when we got to the other side and realised that we made it and that you did it for YOU?

It's been a year of empowerment on all levels.  Standing tall in your power, learning to use your voice, to speak up and share your dreams and tell others that you are worth it, because YOU believe that YOU are worth it.

It's been a year of self-confidence as you start to take the steps along your path on your own, knowing that you have a fabulous support network around you to talk to, confide in and use as a sounding board when you need it.

You have achieved so many amazing things in the Year 2011 - Celebrate your Moment!

The MEPP Team x

Friday, 25 November 2011


"Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. 

Be ready

Here comes life"

~ Maya Angelou

The MEPP Team x

Image: St Clair Beach at Sunrise via Zoo Park Animals

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Congratulations - You did it with Style & Grace

On Saturday we watched as our one of rising stars and extremely talented young women make her very first address to at an AGM Board Meeting presenting the financial report for an organisation.

To see the amazing transformation was beyond ...

Once a very shy young professional, she was now a confident, empowered young professional business women who spoke with such clarity and confidence that this, coupled with her knowledge in her chosen area of expertise, was truly fantastic.

We were there silently cheering as she stood up to address the meeting - the delivery of her report, her composure as she answered questions with quite confidence - it was her moment to shine!

Congratulations, you did it and you did it with such style and grace.

The MEPP Team x

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sun Dance

"Great things are done by people who think great 
thoughts and then go out into the world to make
their dreams come true"

~ Ernest Holmes 

Go out and do your Sun Dance!

The MEPP Team x

Image:  Sun Dance

Monday, 21 November 2011

Nurseries ... all things flowers and plants

It was a gorgeous morning last Friday when we ventured out to the very beautiful Pialligo to take in the lovely surrounds of all the nurseries in the area.

We arrived nice an early, it was quite, the flowers and in particular the beautiful roses were in full bloom for all to see, the perfume and smells were just amazing!

A wonderful winding path lead us around the nursery, showing us all the different plant varieties from seedlings to full grown trees.

This was the first time our budding florist had been to visit a Nursery, and as part of her work experience at the Florist, we all thought it would be a wonderful way to introduce the many different plant and flower varieties we have here in Australia.... 

To say that we had a great morning would be an understatement!  I know that another visit took place that very weekend with lots of exploring done up and down the wonderful road filled with so many different nurseries and gorgeous little shops to peak into.

The MEPP Team x

Friday, 18 November 2011

Happy Friday

It's been a fantastic week for everyone involved with MEPP!

The Women taking part in the program are shining with so much confidence as they get ready to Graduate from the program and move onto the next part of their journey.

The MEPP team is so very excited about a few things in the pipeline and more than anything so proud of the wonderful achievements of the Women.

Congratulations to you all! You are an inspiration to us all!

Take a few moments out of your day today and Celebrate your achievements - you deserve it!

Happy Friday Everyone!

The MEPP Team x

Image: Learning to dance in the rain By: Charolette Smith

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Don't let FEAR stop you

"We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a 
companion that accompanies us on all our exciting adventures ...

Take a risk a day ... one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it"

~ Susan Jeffers

Don't allow a small word such as FEAR hold you back from what you truly wish to be doing.  It's just a word a word that only has meaning if you allow it to have meaning and you give it some sort of power to hold over yourself.

Fear means that YOU won't allow yourself to do it. It may be making a call in relation to a wonderful job opportunity or it may be talking with a group of people that you've not met before.

Use your fear and it's energy to propel you forward towards your dreams and goals.  

The MEPP Team x

Image:  The Silent Path

Monday, 7 November 2011

More than just words ...

"Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change"
~ Ingrid Bengis

The 'Words' we choose to use when we self-talk are just as powerful as the words others use when speaking to us.

An important part in growing our self-confidence and self-worth is to take notice of the words being used by yourself and those around you.  

Listen to them, are they negative? are they aggressive? are they hurtful?  how do they make you feel?  Most of the time we know that we don't like it and we know that its not acceptable, however sometimes we just accept it or settle for it because we are not confident to tell others to stop it or that we don't like it.. 

A great way to make some changes it to start with yourself ~ Make positive changes to the way in which you speak, think carefully on how the words you choose to describe yourself fit into your steps towards a healthy and empowering situation and lifestyle.

Small changes are a wonderful way to start taking positive steps to your life, try using the words: 

in your everyday 'speak' and notice how you feel... yes in the beginning you might feel a little awkward and uncomfortable, however that is all part of the growth and stepping outside your comfort zone in order to find your Voice and Empower yourself.  

You can even keep a journal ... it's amazing what you learn when you go back and read it a few months later and see the wonderful progress that you've made.  It's also a great way to celebrate your milestone achievements along the way to achieving your goals.

Believe in you and trust in the process, you will feel the difference in yourself and the more you practice the easier it will become!  Go on, you CAN do it ...

The MEPP Team x

Image:  sand - i love me

Friday, 4 November 2011

Amazing Changes

A beautiful guest post from Tahlia ...

A little while ago I had the pleasure of meeting this group of women who are 
doing the MEPP Program and exploring their passions and dreams for their 
future, and establishing themselves in their community.

Over two sessions I talked with them about style and confidence. 
I shared my beliefs that when you are dressing for YOU, wearing things that 
you love and have confidence in choosing how you present yourself to the
world amazing things happen. 


The group was comprised of all ages, different cultures & backgrounds, mothers, 
students and professionals.

I saw these women again five weeks later at a cocktail party they had arranged to
celebrate their achievements and I was totally amazed. They had taken a little
sprinkle of my knowledge and encouragement and taken on their wardrobes
with gusto.
Each of them was so expressive and proud. Their style wasn’t dictated by trends; 
I could see they had created their looks with thought and passion from within.
The most moving part for me was realising they are now proud and happy when
they stand out from the crowd.

ABOUT Tahlia

Tahlia Downes is a stylist and designer who’s creative focus is on the expression 
of each individual’s identity rather than trends.

“The way you dress tells a story, it explains who you are. When you dress 
in what you love, and have confidence in following your gut feeling you
naturally feel empowered and beautiful.”

To find out more about Tahlia you can visit her 

We thank Tahlia for helping us find our Style wings! x

Image: Print by Naturally by Denise

Thursday, 3 November 2011

"How often, even before we began, have we declared a task 'Impossible'?
And how often have we construed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate?
A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose and on the persistance
with which we affirm them"

~ Piero Ferrucci

The MEPP Team x

Image: Nothing is impossible  by: Elitist