Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Turkish Wheatfield ~ James Starfield

"The real act of discovery is not in finding new lands, 
but in seeing with new eyes" 

~ Marcel Proust

Friday, 23 December 2011

We would like to send our heartfelt thanks to all of the wonderful people and organisations that have supported us during the MEPP Program.

Without your commitment and support the success of this project wouldn't have been so fabulous!

We are looking forward to working with you all again in 2012 and wish you and your families a safe and joyous festive season!

The MEPP Team x

Thursday, 22 December 2011

A note of Congratulations

One of our lovely Advisory Board members was unable to make our MEPP Graduation on the 16th of December and wrote this beautiful note to the all of the women in the program:

I would like to pass on my congratulations to all of the amazing women that participated in the program – at least once during every advisory board meeting I was moved by the strength and determination of the women involved and spent most of the trip back to the office appreciating how lucky and then trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grow up!!!!

Thank you to the amazing women, for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful project.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable evening and I look forward to hearing how everything went.

Kind regards,


Thanks so much Naomi 

The MEPP Team x

Friday, 16 December 2011

Live & Dream Large

"There is no passion to be found playing small, 
in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living"

~ Nelson Mandela, 11th President of South Africa

Dancing via paintingsilove

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Breathe Life

Breath Life by Nafisa Bilal
This is a stunning painting by our award winning Artist Nafisa!

Nafisa created this beautiful painting for the certificates for the MEPP 2011 Graduation and it tells the story of the journey taken by all of the women who participated.

It's called Breathe Life; the rays represent each of the women who found their way to the light and then branched out to live their lives and follow their dreams. The floating bubbles represent all of their dreams and goals surrounding them as they go out with their new found confidence.

It was such an honour to put the certificates together for the women using this painting as the cornerstone.

So powerful, So beautiful!

Thank you Nafisa!!

The MEPP Team x

Monday, 12 December 2011

Graduation Class of 2011

A celebration was held on Friday night to celebrate the Graduation of the amazing & inspiring women who participated in the 2011 Multicultural Women's Advocacy Employability Partnership Program (MEPP)

Congratulations to the following Women who were brave enough to believe in themselves and to inspire all they met along the way:
  • Rogia
  • Nafisa
  • Sara
  • Zerghona
  • Shin Thu
  • Lauraline
  • Julia
  • Paw Gay
  • Lily
  • Naw Ku
  • Pa Ywel
  • Lwai
  • Jennifer
  • Tei
  • Tar
  • Kasey
The Graduating Class of 2011 with Minister Burch, MLA

You are beautiful souls who make this world a better place.

The MEPP x

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

'After 5' Style

Getting ready for our upcoming Graduation, our resident Stylist, 
Designer & Mentor Tahlia has put together some style tips to help 
you get ready for the night!  


What to wear is on the top of all ladies worries when you’re headed to an event where there will be
lots of people you don’t know. – "What if I’m too dressed up?!  What if I look toe casual!!" 
It’s always better to be over dressed than under dressed... 
Then you can say you have another event to go to afterwards that you’re dressed up for!! 

Here are 3 types of looks for you to adapt and personalize for After 5 or cocktail events that will 
get your style mojo going. 

The Tailored Suit
Tailored pants are a great option that ladies tend to forget about. Once you have a great pair of pants that
 fit you well, the options are endless. It’s worth spending a little more to get quality fabric in the perfect cut 
for your figure so that you can simply pair them with a whole range of different tops and accessories.

Marchesa strapless top,

Jackets are fantastic for adding a bit a class to an outfit. There are so many shapes available from 

cropped and boxy to tailored and classic. Depending on your body shape and which style you choose, 
they are fantastic for nipping you in at the waist-(try a single button jacket), covering up shoulders for 
conservative events while remaining stylish and covering lumps and bumps that bias cut dresses 
often accentuate.
Jayson Brunston  dress jackets,
The Beauty Tutor

The Cocktail Dress
Cocktail dresses are the most popular outfit for after 5 events. There are endless options, and styles
but a cocktail dress generally means a semi- formal dress that can be from above the knee to above
the ankle in length.
Left to right: Mod cloth - Winter Waltz dress,  Jaicee Events blog , Lady Love Song Dress - Mod Cloth
The Maxi 
Maxi dresses are glamorous and easy to wear. They are very convenient as a one piece outfit, just select 
complimentary accessories and some heels and your outfit is complete. 
Maxi dresses are not as formal as a ball gown or a full formal dress. They are made in more casual fabrics
rather than satin or lace. To avoid feeling overdressed choose a maxi with a bold print which scales down 
the formality. 

Jovani dress - The Style Spy, Sonia Kruger dress - Myer

Whatever you choose to wear be comfortable and confident. If you wear something that simply isn't you, it can 
ruin your evening by worrying constantly about how you look! 

Look for your favourite colours, and wear what you love x

To find out more about Tahlia, you can visit her here: 
The MEPP Team x

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Congratulations Sela!

Last night we attended the ACT Multicultural Awards where our inspirational Chair and President of the Multicultural Women's Advocacy (MWA) was nominated for the ACT Advocate of the Year.

Our heartfelt Congratulations to Sela, who was named ACT Advocate of the Year 2011

Sela and the MWA Team

Sela's unwavering dedication to giving CALD Women in the ACT an opportunity to find their voice, learn new skills and gain confidence in various areas of business, industry and employment has been remarkable.

The Multicultural Women's Advocacy Inc's Employability Partnership Program (MEPP) was specifically designed for Migrant & Refugee Women of CALD backgrounds and is the culmination of Sela's dedication to her Advocacy work for Women.

Sela is the Voice for many Women and her constant lobbying to create awareness of the issues faced by many of these 'lost' women is truly extraordinary.

When Sela made her acceptance speech, it was so full of passion and heart that it stopped the room ... Sela's words were so heartfelt that you knew, without a doubt, that they came from her soul.  Sela had the room in tears as she shared her story about how she arrived at this point in her life and what being an Advocate for Women really meant - she was born to do this.

Congratulations Sela!  You are an inspiration to us all!

The MEPP Team x

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The Year 2011

The year 2011 has been filled with many things ... excitement, joy, road bumps and possibly a few hiccups

It's been a year where new friendships have formed and we've realised that we are not alone.  We have wonderful people around us that believe in us, encourage us and push us to take a step in a new direction or follow the dream that's been hiding in your heart for ever so long.

It's been a year of wonderful achievements and the taking of confident steps towards your dreams and goals.  Trust and self-belief has played a major role in your achievements ... some of us needed a slight push to make the jump and oh! how fantastic was it when we got to the other side and realised that we made it and that you did it for YOU?

It's been a year of empowerment on all levels.  Standing tall in your power, learning to use your voice, to speak up and share your dreams and tell others that you are worth it, because YOU believe that YOU are worth it.

It's been a year of self-confidence as you start to take the steps along your path on your own, knowing that you have a fabulous support network around you to talk to, confide in and use as a sounding board when you need it.

You have achieved so many amazing things in the Year 2011 - Celebrate your Moment!

The MEPP Team x

Friday, 25 November 2011


"Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. 

Be ready

Here comes life"

~ Maya Angelou

The MEPP Team x

Image: St Clair Beach at Sunrise via Zoo Park Animals

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Congratulations - You did it with Style & Grace

On Saturday we watched as our one of rising stars and extremely talented young women make her very first address to at an AGM Board Meeting presenting the financial report for an organisation.

To see the amazing transformation was beyond ...

Once a very shy young professional, she was now a confident, empowered young professional business women who spoke with such clarity and confidence that this, coupled with her knowledge in her chosen area of expertise, was truly fantastic.

We were there silently cheering as she stood up to address the meeting - the delivery of her report, her composure as she answered questions with quite confidence - it was her moment to shine!

Congratulations, you did it and you did it with such style and grace.

The MEPP Team x

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sun Dance

"Great things are done by people who think great 
thoughts and then go out into the world to make
their dreams come true"

~ Ernest Holmes 

Go out and do your Sun Dance!

The MEPP Team x

Image:  Sun Dance

Monday, 21 November 2011

Nurseries ... all things flowers and plants

It was a gorgeous morning last Friday when we ventured out to the very beautiful Pialligo to take in the lovely surrounds of all the nurseries in the area.

We arrived nice an early, it was quite, the flowers and in particular the beautiful roses were in full bloom for all to see, the perfume and smells were just amazing!

A wonderful winding path lead us around the nursery, showing us all the different plant varieties from seedlings to full grown trees.

This was the first time our budding florist had been to visit a Nursery, and as part of her work experience at the Florist, we all thought it would be a wonderful way to introduce the many different plant and flower varieties we have here in Australia.... 

To say that we had a great morning would be an understatement!  I know that another visit took place that very weekend with lots of exploring done up and down the wonderful road filled with so many different nurseries and gorgeous little shops to peak into.

The MEPP Team x

Friday, 18 November 2011

Happy Friday

It's been a fantastic week for everyone involved with MEPP!

The Women taking part in the program are shining with so much confidence as they get ready to Graduate from the program and move onto the next part of their journey.

The MEPP team is so very excited about a few things in the pipeline and more than anything so proud of the wonderful achievements of the Women.

Congratulations to you all! You are an inspiration to us all!

Take a few moments out of your day today and Celebrate your achievements - you deserve it!

Happy Friday Everyone!

The MEPP Team x

Image: Learning to dance in the rain By: Charolette Smith

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Don't let FEAR stop you

"We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a 
companion that accompanies us on all our exciting adventures ...

Take a risk a day ... one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it"

~ Susan Jeffers

Don't allow a small word such as FEAR hold you back from what you truly wish to be doing.  It's just a word a word that only has meaning if you allow it to have meaning and you give it some sort of power to hold over yourself.

Fear means that YOU won't allow yourself to do it. It may be making a call in relation to a wonderful job opportunity or it may be talking with a group of people that you've not met before.

Use your fear and it's energy to propel you forward towards your dreams and goals.  

The MEPP Team x

Image:  The Silent Path

Monday, 7 November 2011

More than just words ...

"Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change"
~ Ingrid Bengis

The 'Words' we choose to use when we self-talk are just as powerful as the words others use when speaking to us.

An important part in growing our self-confidence and self-worth is to take notice of the words being used by yourself and those around you.  

Listen to them, are they negative? are they aggressive? are they hurtful?  how do they make you feel?  Most of the time we know that we don't like it and we know that its not acceptable, however sometimes we just accept it or settle for it because we are not confident to tell others to stop it or that we don't like it.. 

A great way to make some changes it to start with yourself ~ Make positive changes to the way in which you speak, think carefully on how the words you choose to describe yourself fit into your steps towards a healthy and empowering situation and lifestyle.

Small changes are a wonderful way to start taking positive steps to your life, try using the words: 

in your everyday 'speak' and notice how you feel... yes in the beginning you might feel a little awkward and uncomfortable, however that is all part of the growth and stepping outside your comfort zone in order to find your Voice and Empower yourself.  

You can even keep a journal ... it's amazing what you learn when you go back and read it a few months later and see the wonderful progress that you've made.  It's also a great way to celebrate your milestone achievements along the way to achieving your goals.

Believe in you and trust in the process, you will feel the difference in yourself and the more you practice the easier it will become!  Go on, you CAN do it ...

The MEPP Team x

Image:  sand - i love me

Friday, 4 November 2011

Amazing Changes

A beautiful guest post from Tahlia ...

A little while ago I had the pleasure of meeting this group of women who are 
doing the MEPP Program and exploring their passions and dreams for their 
future, and establishing themselves in their community.

Over two sessions I talked with them about style and confidence. 
I shared my beliefs that when you are dressing for YOU, wearing things that 
you love and have confidence in choosing how you present yourself to the
world amazing things happen. 


The group was comprised of all ages, different cultures & backgrounds, mothers, 
students and professionals.

I saw these women again five weeks later at a cocktail party they had arranged to
celebrate their achievements and I was totally amazed. They had taken a little
sprinkle of my knowledge and encouragement and taken on their wardrobes
with gusto.
Each of them was so expressive and proud. Their style wasn’t dictated by trends; 
I could see they had created their looks with thought and passion from within.
The most moving part for me was realising they are now proud and happy when
they stand out from the crowd.

ABOUT Tahlia

Tahlia Downes is a stylist and designer who’s creative focus is on the expression 
of each individual’s identity rather than trends.

“The way you dress tells a story, it explains who you are. When you dress 
in what you love, and have confidence in following your gut feeling you
naturally feel empowered and beautiful.”

To find out more about Tahlia you can visit her 

We thank Tahlia for helping us find our Style wings! x

Image: Print by Naturally by Denise

Thursday, 3 November 2011

"How often, even before we began, have we declared a task 'Impossible'?
And how often have we construed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate?
A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose and on the persistance
with which we affirm them"

~ Piero Ferrucci

The MEPP Team x

Image: Nothing is impossible  by: Elitist

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Summer of Respect

The ACT Women's Services Network is proud to present Summer of Respect, a summer-long anti-sexual violence campaign!

It’s wrong that sexual violence still happens in our community. It affects almost 1 in 5 Australian women. And it knows no geographical, socioeconomic, age, ability, cultural or religious boundaries. 

As part of the Summer of Respect Events program, the Multicultural Women's Advocacy (MWA) along with MEPP will host a full day workshop "Styling You ~ Inside & Out' with a focus on confidence, self-worth, self-management, style and empowerment. 

When:   Monday, 7th of November 2011

Where:  The Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre
               Level 2, The Function Room
               180 London Circuit, Canberra 

Time:     9:30am to 2:30pm

Cost:      FREE

The workshop is free but spaces are limited to 15 so get in early to book your place

RSVP to mepp.mwa@gmail.com 

The MEPP Team x

Monday, 24 October 2011

Exciting week ahead!

This week is full of great things and everyone at MEPP is excited!

This week sees the start of work placements, new positions and new adventures.

Today, our Floral Designer starts her work placement at a Florist here in Canberra and is so excited, that we don't think that she slept last night!

Tomorrow our Artist teaches her first art class here in Canberra to a very eager bunch of 5 and 6 year olds - they are going to work on painting their 'favourite things'.

Another of our wonderful women has commenced a new job that is in her chosen filed of Community & Welfare work assisting members of her Community.

.... and this is just the the first of many things that are happening this week!

For these amazing Women, this is 'their' dream come true, a proud moment and above all else confident in who they are.

We wish you all every success and happiness as you start this new chapter of your lives,

The MEPP Team xx

Monday, 17 October 2011

"We keep moving forward, 
opening new doors,
and doing new things,
because we are curious 
and curiosity keeps 
leading us down new paths"

~ Walt Disney

Follow your path and continue to make your discoveries as you never know where they will lead you!

The MEPP Team x

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Our High Tea Celebration & Launch of our Spring Seminar Series

On Friday we hosted our  second event - a High Tea in celebration of International Senior's Day & the launch of our MWA Spring Seminar Series. 

Our guest speakers were all fantastic & our keynote speaker was amazing! Seeing one of the women from our program also speak & share her story was an honor and very proud moment.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing Guest Speakers:

Ms Jancye Winter from the ACT Office of Multicultural Affairs
Ms Anndey Ho from ACT Carers Australia
Ms Chin Wong from CMCF
Ms Shin Thu Gay from MEPP 

Our heartfelt thanks to our Keynote Speaker, Ms Setita Rockmann of the Melino Foundation, who shared with us a life story of courage, determination, love and kindness for all. 

To share time with these women, to learn from them, to honour their journey was a privilege and something very special.

Thank you to everyone who attended our High Tea and for your continued support of the MWA~MEPP Project.

~ The MEPP Team x

Image: Thank You via GlitterGraphics.org

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Human beings grow with love and support, not criticism or neglect. 
Be your own best cheerleader and watch your life soar! 

~ Cheryl Richardson

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A little bit about MEPP

A little bit about the Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA) Employability Partnership Program (MEPP)

The MEPP Project has been designed as a specially tailored mentoring, skill development and employability program for CALD (Culturally & Linguistically Diverse) Refugee & Migrant Women.  It is a dedicated focus on the Women as a person, a mother and as a woman who is looking to establish themselves in the community by joining the workforce in a role that is in line with not only their qualifications and skills but also aligns with their passion. 

Our objective is take a holistic approach to guide and assist them in building their Self-Confidence ~ Self-Worth ~ Skill Development with the end result being employment or operating their own business.

We are now going into the 8th week of our program and we have 18 amazing women who have already changed their lives.  They are actively taking the steps to empower themselves and have found their voices.

These amazing Women have worked out their goals, their ‘Why’ and we have already commenced working on their plans that will see them achieve these goals and assist them to find employment in their chosen field or in some instances, start their own business.

Together, we work on growing their confidence, helping them identify additional training courses/workshops and aligning them with work experience opportunities in those chosen areas.

Mentoring plays a huge role in the program in both a group setting and one-on-one sessions so that personal care and attention is given to each of the women.

This program is about these Women realizing their dreams for the future.

Working with these Women has shown us that there is a desperate need for us to continue the program into the future.  We are trailblazing a path for not only this first Group of CALD Women, but for those who come after them.

We are setting up the foundations for a Project that allows for support however, also builds a strong professional network for the Women.  Our first Group will continue offering mentoring assistance, be sounding boards and share their knowledge with others as the Project grows. 

We can make a difference together.

To find out more about the Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA) and MEPP, please call our office on 6230 4632 or email us on: mepp.mwa@gmail.com

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Sara, Sela and Jancye ~ enjoying the Cocktail evening 

Tahlia & Lauraline ~ Lauraline is our Floral Designer 

Friday, 30 September 2011

Everyone Happy Dance!

It's been very hectic over the past few days as we hosted our very first Multicultural Women's Advocacy - MEPP Project Event on Tuesday evening...

Each of the Women taking part in this project took on a key role in the event organising using their skills, knowledge and aspirations to put together an amazing event!

From logistics to room styling to catering to running the mini makeover & style workshops to the catering for the evening ... everything was handled in the most professional manner - the event was managed like clockwork and our Guests enjoyed a fabulous evening that was so smooth, welcoming and warm... and everyone loved the food!

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone that attended the evening, we appreciated you being there with us on the evening more than words can say and a very special Thank you to all those behind the scenes who continue to support us, encourage us and give us a little push to as we stand tall and shine!

Much Happy Dancing to all

The MEPP Team xx

PS... photos from Tuesday evening are on the way!

Friday, 23 September 2011

"True confidence comes from the certainty of your unwavering commitment and 
your willingness to do whatever it takes. 
When you are coming from this place, you have nothing to prove"  
 ~ Chris Howard

The MEPP Team 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

We would love to have you join us!

Peace, Style & Empowerment

MEPP Art & Fashion Cocktail Evening
MEPP Project
                                                    ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre
              245 Lady Denman Drive, Canberra ACT
When    Tuesday, 27th September 2001

Time      5:30pm for 6:00pm Start
Cost      $25.00 per person
RSVP     Ph: 6230 4632 or via email mepp.mwa@gmail.com by 20th   September  or click here 

About the Project
The MEPP Project is all about our Women ~ a dedicated focus on them as a person, a mother and as a women who is looking to establish themselves in the community by joining the workforce or starting their own business in an area that not only aligns their qualifications and skills but also aligns with their passion.

We invite you to join us for an evening that showcases the amazing work of the Women involved in this project.

Award Winning Artist from Sudan
Nafisa Bilal is an award winning artist from Sudan, who has exhibited across Sudan, Cairo and Sydney.  Nafisa's paintings are about her, about Sudanese women, the beauty of nature and Sudanese customs.  Through Nafisa's colourful paintings, she hopes to show peace amongst humanity, beyond ethnic and geographic differences.

Style, Fashion & Confidence
A large component of self-confidence is feeling good about yourself.  When you look good, you feel good and you are more confident.  Join our Women as they walk you through a mini Style & Fashion workshop, where they will help you find your "Style Confidence"

Cocktails & Canapes
The evening will be catered by our wonderful Food Connoisseur, Jennifer Lowe who will be providing us with an array of tempting treats for all to enjoy!

Mingle & Meet our wonderful and inspiring women who are trail-blazing a path of Empowerment for Refugee and Migrant Women here in the ACT.

We hope to see you there!