Saturday, 30 June 2012

Unlimited Possibilities

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards;
they try to have more things, or more money, in order
to do more of what they want so that they will be 

The way it actually works is the reverse.

You must first be who you really are, then do what you
need to do in order to have what you want."

~ Margaret Young

Impossible ~ Image via: The Love Shop

Take some time this weekend to think about 'what you' actually want from your life ...

Write down "Your" wish list of 5 things you would like to achieve - these may be big or small, it doesn't matter what they are as long as they mean something to you.

  • You may wish to read that book that has been sitting on your bedside table
  • You may wish to join a social group so that you get out of the house a little bit more
  • You may wish to enrol in that course at CIT/Tafe/Uni/Online that you keep putting off because you don't think you can do it
  • You may wish to go for a walk with the kids or with friends .... 
and the list can go on and on .... 

The important thing is that you start with your list and then you can start to think about the steps that you need to take in order to achieve these things.

Chose one thing off your list and start doing something about this weekend ...

Let's go - no more waiting!

The MWA Team x

Friday, 22 June 2012

Aung San Suu Kyi & the British Parliament

'Burma's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has addressed both houses of British Parliament, an honour usually only given to heads of state.

Burma's pro-democracy leader talked of the years she spent living in Burma and in Oxford during her speech at Westminster Hall in London.

The 67-year-old Nobel Laurete recieved a standing ovation on arrival and was heralded for her bravery and guidance to humanity.

Suu Kyi is in Britain as part of a 17-day tour of Europe. This included a return trip to Oxford, where she once lived to recieve an honourary doctorate.

The Burma opposition leader warned the country is entering its most difficult period.

'We have an opportunity to reestablish true democracy in Burma. It is an opportunity for which we have waited decades,' she said.

'If we do not get things right this time right round, it may be several decades more before a similar opportunity arises again.'

Article and Link via Sky News

The MWA Team x

Friday, 15 June 2012

Campaign Launch "215 Million Reasons Why..."

Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA)
Invite you to join us for
The Launch of
215 Million Reasons... The Rights of Migrant Workers & their Families
Campaign for Australian Ratification of the Migrant Workers Convention

The Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA) in partnership with The Network of Immigrant and Refugee Women Australia Inc. (NIRWA) are working together to ratify The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrants Workers and Members of Their Families also referred to as the UN Migrant Workers Convention, to support 215 million migrant workers’ rights and their families  (2009 United Nations International Migration Report)

We are asking the community to sign the postcard and share their voice, or just provide a name and signature, to support the ‘215 Million Reasons … The Rights of Migrant Workers & their Families’.

MWA and NIRWA are reinforcing the 215 million reasons to support the rights of Migrant Workers and their families, as each and every migrants’ rights deserves to be acknowledged as human rights.

On October 1 2011, a coalition of civil society groups (including NIRWA and The Human Rights Council of Australia) and global groups launched a renewed call for Australia to ratify the International Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of  their Families ("the Migrant Workers Convention").

The ACT launch will be held on Sunday 17 June 2012 from 10.30am–12pm:

VenueJohn Dunmore Lang Place (opposite Questacon) 

Map Link: 

Join us for the Launch followed by a BBQ and Morning Tea and a performance from the ACT Chinese Australian Association EverGreen Dance Group at 11:00am

This is a Family Friendly FREE Event!

For any questions or enquires, please contact our office on 6257 1002 or via email:

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Looking through a range of different images, articles and the like trying to find something that jumped out and 'Inspired' me.

Everyone needs a bit of inspiration sometimes, you know that little nudge to move you out of your 'stuck' place to make a phone call, study, complete an assignment or project, send an email, visit someone, go for a walk, cook something healthy, go for a job that you think you'd like .... lots of little things that we just need to do but put off 'just because' well maybe you're not INSPIRED enough!

So today we share these gorgeous images and hope that they help INSPIRE you in some way shape or form!

Enjoy, The MWA Team x

Monday, 11 June 2012

Afternoon Tea with Ms Amanda Bresnan, ACT Greens MLA

We wish to extend an invitation to join us for Afternoon Tea with Amanda Bresnan, MLA

Please join us:

Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA)
Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF)
Invite you to join us for:

Afternoon Tea with Amanda Bresnan MLA 

Ms Bresnan is the Brindabella electorate for the ACT Greens, She is the Greens Spokesperson for:

Disability and Housing
Multicultural Affairs
Industrial Relations

This is an opportunity for you to talk with Ms Bresnan about issues concerning your community and organisation.

       Date: Thursday 14th June 2012

           Time: 2- 3.30pm

         Venue:  Canberra Museum and Gallery, Theatrette room

       Ticket price: $15 per person

All payments MUST be made in full at the time of booking.
Payments can be made via Cheque payable to: Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Inc or via credit card / PayPal.

Numbers are strictly limited.
For further enquiries or to RSVP please call the MWA office on
 6257 1002 or email