Thursday, 27 October 2011

Summer of Respect

The ACT Women's Services Network is proud to present Summer of Respect, a summer-long anti-sexual violence campaign!

It’s wrong that sexual violence still happens in our community. It affects almost 1 in 5 Australian women. And it knows no geographical, socioeconomic, age, ability, cultural or religious boundaries. 

As part of the Summer of Respect Events program, the Multicultural Women's Advocacy (MWA) along with MEPP will host a full day workshop "Styling You ~ Inside & Out' with a focus on confidence, self-worth, self-management, style and empowerment. 

When:   Monday, 7th of November 2011

Where:  The Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre
               Level 2, The Function Room
               180 London Circuit, Canberra 

Time:     9:30am to 2:30pm

Cost:      FREE

The workshop is free but spaces are limited to 15 so get in early to book your place

RSVP to 

The MEPP Team x

Monday, 24 October 2011

Exciting week ahead!

This week is full of great things and everyone at MEPP is excited!

This week sees the start of work placements, new positions and new adventures.

Today, our Floral Designer starts her work placement at a Florist here in Canberra and is so excited, that we don't think that she slept last night!

Tomorrow our Artist teaches her first art class here in Canberra to a very eager bunch of 5 and 6 year olds - they are going to work on painting their 'favourite things'.

Another of our wonderful women has commenced a new job that is in her chosen filed of Community & Welfare work assisting members of her Community.

.... and this is just the the first of many things that are happening this week!

For these amazing Women, this is 'their' dream come true, a proud moment and above all else confident in who they are.

We wish you all every success and happiness as you start this new chapter of your lives,

The MEPP Team xx

Monday, 17 October 2011

"We keep moving forward, 
opening new doors,
and doing new things,
because we are curious 
and curiosity keeps 
leading us down new paths"

~ Walt Disney

Follow your path and continue to make your discoveries as you never know where they will lead you!

The MEPP Team x

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Our High Tea Celebration & Launch of our Spring Seminar Series

On Friday we hosted our  second event - a High Tea in celebration of International Senior's Day & the launch of our MWA Spring Seminar Series. 

Our guest speakers were all fantastic & our keynote speaker was amazing! Seeing one of the women from our program also speak & share her story was an honor and very proud moment.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing Guest Speakers:

Ms Jancye Winter from the ACT Office of Multicultural Affairs
Ms Anndey Ho from ACT Carers Australia
Ms Chin Wong from CMCF
Ms Shin Thu Gay from MEPP 

Our heartfelt thanks to our Keynote Speaker, Ms Setita Rockmann of the Melino Foundation, who shared with us a life story of courage, determination, love and kindness for all. 

To share time with these women, to learn from them, to honour their journey was a privilege and something very special.

Thank you to everyone who attended our High Tea and for your continued support of the MWA~MEPP Project.

~ The MEPP Team x

Image: Thank You via

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Human beings grow with love and support, not criticism or neglect. 
Be your own best cheerleader and watch your life soar! 

~ Cheryl Richardson

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A little bit about MEPP

A little bit about the Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA) Employability Partnership Program (MEPP)

The MEPP Project has been designed as a specially tailored mentoring, skill development and employability program for CALD (Culturally & Linguistically Diverse) Refugee & Migrant Women.  It is a dedicated focus on the Women as a person, a mother and as a woman who is looking to establish themselves in the community by joining the workforce in a role that is in line with not only their qualifications and skills but also aligns with their passion. 

Our objective is take a holistic approach to guide and assist them in building their Self-Confidence ~ Self-Worth ~ Skill Development with the end result being employment or operating their own business.

We are now going into the 8th week of our program and we have 18 amazing women who have already changed their lives.  They are actively taking the steps to empower themselves and have found their voices.

These amazing Women have worked out their goals, their ‘Why’ and we have already commenced working on their plans that will see them achieve these goals and assist them to find employment in their chosen field or in some instances, start their own business.

Together, we work on growing their confidence, helping them identify additional training courses/workshops and aligning them with work experience opportunities in those chosen areas.

Mentoring plays a huge role in the program in both a group setting and one-on-one sessions so that personal care and attention is given to each of the women.

This program is about these Women realizing their dreams for the future.

Working with these Women has shown us that there is a desperate need for us to continue the program into the future.  We are trailblazing a path for not only this first Group of CALD Women, but for those who come after them.

We are setting up the foundations for a Project that allows for support however, also builds a strong professional network for the Women.  Our first Group will continue offering mentoring assistance, be sounding boards and share their knowledge with others as the Project grows. 

We can make a difference together.

To find out more about the Multicultural Women’s Advocacy (MWA) and MEPP, please call our office on 6230 4632 or email us on:

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Sara, Sela and Jancye ~ enjoying the Cocktail evening 

Tahlia & Lauraline ~ Lauraline is our Floral Designer